As a supplement to this application provide a proposal detailing the proposed cannabis business including but not limited to the following details. Proposals must be submitted using the section numbers listed below. Inconsistent formatting will be considered when the application is reviewed.
Section 1 - Facility Information: Existing and proposed property/site conditions – describe the land (impervious/pervious) and structures currently occupying the site and any changes proposed to create the cannabis business/facility. Clarify whether there is more than one building on the property or if more than one building will be use or whether the business will occupy a part of a larger facility and the use of any other portion of the building. Provide the intended building size (total square footage) as well as building height. Include provisions for parking and information related to air quality systems that will be used. Provide pictures of the proposed building/facility exterior and interior if available. The applicant shall describe how they will make good faith efforts to promptly resolve all complaints, including those related to noise, light, odor, litter, vehicle traffic and pedestrian traffic.
Section 2 - Surrounding properties and conditions: Describe the properties and roadways surrounding the proposed facility site; indicate the type of uses, building heights. Are there any schools, playgrounds, parks, churches, or senior occupied multiple dwelling buildings within 200-feet of the proposed facility.
Section 3 - Business Experience: Detail experience as a business owner or manager particularly pertaining to cannabis services proposed for this application. Include the name, location, type of cannabis facility (e.g. manufacturing, cultivating, retail, medical, recreational, etc.) the applicant, or parties that own 10 percent or more of the business have been part of. Include years of experiences, relevant positions, etc. Specify the locations of other cannabis facilities that you own/manage or propose within one year of this application. Alcohol-related business experience may be included. If the applicant or other interested parties have existing involvement in other operating cannabis facilities, please include façades of prior projects, marketing materials, and photographs of interior spaces.
Section 4 - License Status: Acknowledge the date(s) and type(s) of application that you have submitted to the State and the status of same. Also list any other related licenses or approvals in process or already obtained.
Section 5 - Stakeholder participation: Describe your approach to involving and hiring local residents as employees or participants in your business plan. Include types of positions, part time/full time, starting salary requirements/ranges, training and employment initiatives such as paid time off and medical or other benefits. Clarify the importance of background checks as you consider potential employees. Describe proposal to provide community benefits to the community.
Areas to consider include but are not limited to:
a. Financial and in-kind contributions to Rahway’s drug and alcohol prevention programs, social work and mental health intervention initiatives, and other health related activities
b. Financial and in-kind contributions to community, civic, cultural and business associations/organizations
c. Education programs for various populations on topics such as securing a medical cannabis card, expunging cannabis criminal records, and engaging in an employment transition through a re-entry program
Section 6 - Security Strategy: Describe proposed provisions for security in handling and transport of the products. Include equipment and staff anticipated/dedicated to security related concerns, as well as background checks for staff/employees, subcontractors, etc., if applicable. Applicant’s plans for storage of products and currency, physical security, video surveillance, security personnel, and visitor management. By way of example, types of locking and entry mechanisms, estimated number of security personnel and training, type of video surveillance systems, etc. Describe anticipated interactions with customers and security protocols that will be involved.
Section 7 - Government, Pharmaceutical, and/or Hospital Agreements: Applicant’s or its owners’ experience conducting or supporting or plans to conduct institutional review board-approved research involving human subjects that is related to medical cannabis or substance abuse, clinical research with IRB approval shall outweigh plans to conduct such research. Many applicants have agreements with the Federal and/or state government, pharmaceutical industries, or Medical School (teaching hospitals). Examples may be agreements with Merck and/or Robert Wood Johnson in Rahway.
Section 8 - Other Approvals: List other anticipated approvals from municipal, county, state or other agencies and anticipated timelines for each. Municipal Planning or Zoning Board of Adjustment applications shall be included.