Keeping Rahway Clean

New Jersey Clean Communities is a statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act in 1986. The Act provides a funding source for the program and guidelines for the use of funds. Municipalities and counties receive Clean Communities grants in the form of state-aid each year. Funding is also allocated to the state parks service and the Clean Communities Council. Our mission is to reduce litter in public places, promote the volunteer cleanup of public lands and sustain a reduction in litter through education.

The City of Rahway Clean Communities Program provides funding for community non-profit groups who participate in helping clean our neighborhoods, parks, and public spaces. This is a "win/win" program, our community has litter collected and beautifies our parks and public spaces while your group receives funding for your participation and efforts. We supply the necessary equipment, including gloves, bags, cans, etc.

If your organization would like to participate in Rahway's "Mini-Grant" Program, please fill out the Mini-Grant Form (DOC) and submit it as instructed. Thank you for your interest in our program.