The Rahway Police Department has fully implemented 'Body-worn Cameras' or BWC's into it's daily operations.
Body-worn cameras have allowed the department to save and document important information during critical incidents. Rahway Police Officers are required to activate the body cameras when conducting investigative and enforcement actions such as making arrests, issuing a summons, searches or stopping a person on the street in the course of an investigation. All officers equipped with body-worn cameras have received training on using the BWC's effectively and efficiently. Body-worn cameras supplement the existing in-car digital video systems which currently record information from the vehicle when in use.
Please click the link below to see the Rahway Police Department's policy on the utilization of Body-worn Camera's
BWC units will be located on the front of an officers outer garment. An example of a BWC unit our department utilizes and an imgage of an officer wearing their BWC: